We succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed. Joy and security are the rewards of adding value to the lives of others. Michael Penney, United States Marine Corps combat veteran and a producer of the Cigars and Sea Stories podcast, drops in to read and discuss today's Daily Word®, "Honor." Click here to listen/download.
The 3 Breaths
"When I start to feel nervous, I just deliver good service."
"When I start to feel nervous, I just deliver good service."
Real love is selfless and free from fear. It pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe. Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand. –Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life & How to Play it
True salesmanship consists in helping the prospect to obtain the merchandise that he really needs. This point must be stressed. It means helping the prospect. It means service. It does not mean taking advantage of him in anyway. It certainly does not mean force in the positive things that he does not need and cannot afford. Nor does it mean pretending to give him one article when in fact he is getting another and inferior one. Such a policy is not salesmanship at all. It is, and plain English, robbery.
True salesmanship means finding out what your customer really needs, and supplying him with it; or if you cannot furnish it yourself, advising him to go elsewhere. Such a policy will not, as many would suppose, me and loss of business. On the contrary, this method-merely the application of the golden rule-will build up your business more rapidly than anything else could. People sense honesty and sincerity intuitively, and these things beget confidence. Working in this way you may lose one order through your honesty, but you will get half a dozen in its place-and you will have peace of mind. Every intelligent salesman should know that any particular sale, or even any particular customer, does not matter, that it is the annual turnover that counts.
Certain courses of salesmanship used to say, get his name on the dotted line before you let them go. You should do the exact contrary to this. If there is any doubt in your own mind, or in his, tell him to think it over and come back later. If he does sign on the dotted line, and afterward you have any reason to suppose that is not entirely satisfied, you should offer to release him immediately, and tear up the contract.
This policy, the golden rule, was taught by Jesus, the wisest and most practical teacher who ever lived; and it is the secret of success in business. It is the real key to sales promotion.
Salesman! Treat your customers exactly as you would like him to treat you the positions were reversed. Tell them exactly what you would like to be told about the merchandise, if you were the purchase their; and if you will do this the whole universe will cooperate to make your business career and outstanding success. –Make Your Life Worthwhile by Emmet Fox
God is the divine givingness of the Universe. You cannot make any sense out of life or realize the free flow of substance in your experience until you begin to see yourself as a giver. It may mean a complete turnaround in your approach to life, where you think "give" instead of "get". In your spiritual quest, you are seeking to establish yourself in a unitive relationship with the divine flow. You can never really achieve this level of consciousness until giving becomes the main thrust of your life. –Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics
True salesmanship consists in helping the prospect to obtain the merchandise that he really needs. This point must be stressed. It means helping the prospect. It means service. It does not mean taking advantage of him in anyway. It certainly does not mean force in the positive things that he does not need and cannot afford. Nor does it mean pretending to give him one article when in fact he is getting another and inferior one. Such a policy is not salesmanship at all. It is, and plain English, robbery.
True salesmanship means finding out what your customer really needs, and supplying him with it; or if you cannot furnish it yourself, advising him to go elsewhere. Such a policy will not, as many would suppose, me and loss of business. On the contrary, this method-merely the application of the golden rule-will build up your business more rapidly than anything else could. People sense honesty and sincerity intuitively, and these things beget confidence. Working in this way you may lose one order through your honesty, but you will get half a dozen in its place-and you will have peace of mind. Every intelligent salesman should know that any particular sale, or even any particular customer, does not matter, that it is the annual turnover that counts.
Certain courses of salesmanship used to say, get his name on the dotted line before you let them go. You should do the exact contrary to this. If there is any doubt in your own mind, or in his, tell him to think it over and come back later. If he does sign on the dotted line, and afterward you have any reason to suppose that is not entirely satisfied, you should offer to release him immediately, and tear up the contract.
This policy, the golden rule, was taught by Jesus, the wisest and most practical teacher who ever lived; and it is the secret of success in business. It is the real key to sales promotion.
Salesman! Treat your customers exactly as you would like him to treat you the positions were reversed. Tell them exactly what you would like to be told about the merchandise, if you were the purchase their; and if you will do this the whole universe will cooperate to make your business career and outstanding success. –Make Your Life Worthwhile by Emmet Fox
God is the divine givingness of the Universe. You cannot make any sense out of life or realize the free flow of substance in your experience until you begin to see yourself as a giver. It may mean a complete turnaround in your approach to life, where you think "give" instead of "get". In your spiritual quest, you are seeking to establish yourself in a unitive relationship with the divine flow. You can never really achieve this level of consciousness until giving becomes the main thrust of your life. –Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics
Miscellaneous things said by Darrell and Ed
Love is the only element in the universe that multiplies when it's divided. It is the only possession that you receive more of when you give it away.
Love is NOT duty. Love is NOT obligation. Love exists when it is given generously as a desire to add value to the lives of others. This releases energy and the power.
A healthy rephrasing of the Golden Rule I've been using on myself is to, "Do unto others as you would want to be done unto."
People argue about whether or not there should be God in school. The important thing is to have Love in school. Love is God.
Good Mantra: “I didn't do anything wrong. I don't have to prove anything to anybody. I don't have earn anybody else's approval.”
Service is not a way of earning God's love. It is a way of sharing God's love, which you already have. Service is not about getting, it is about giving.
Love is NOT duty. Love is NOT obligation. Love exists when it is given generously as a desire to add value to the lives of others. This releases energy and the power.
A healthy rephrasing of the Golden Rule I've been using on myself is to, "Do unto others as you would want to be done unto."
People argue about whether or not there should be God in school. The important thing is to have Love in school. Love is God.
Good Mantra: “I didn't do anything wrong. I don't have to prove anything to anybody. I don't have earn anybody else's approval.”
Service is not a way of earning God's love. It is a way of sharing God's love, which you already have. Service is not about getting, it is about giving.
I have been helped in countless ways by people who have dedicated themselves to service. Today I pause to honor them by giving thanks and remembering them in my prayers. My heart is filled with gratitude for those who answered the call to serve, protect, and care.
I affirm peace and protection for those actively serving. I envision them and their loved ones encompassed by the love and comfort of Spirit. Because of their courage and commitment, my life is enriched and protected in myriad ways.
I honor all those who serve today by saying, “Thank you for your service, dedication, and sacrifice.”
Pay to all what is due them—taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.–Romans 13:7
I affirm peace and protection for those actively serving. I envision them and their loved ones encompassed by the love and comfort of Spirit. Because of their courage and commitment, my life is enriched and protected in myriad ways.
I honor all those who serve today by saying, “Thank you for your service, dedication, and sacrifice.”
Pay to all what is due them—taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.–Romans 13:7
The Funniest Thing! Mail Bag
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We LOVE receiving your letters.
You may write electronically by clicking here or parcel post to:
Funniest Thing!
PO BOX 1312
Culver City, CA 90232
From Cheri Knight, Louisville, Kentucky
Really enjoyed our visit with you in Culver City and Santa Monica. Thanks for the shout outs on the show. The Knights love you! Enjoy and have a great week.
From Rachel Gallant, New Hampshire
Hello Ed and Darrell,
I'm still buzzing from the Exuberant Dublin/ Ireland experience. I would love to purchase 2 Godzilla books. One signed to my in-laws Mary and Len Gallant. (My Mother in law Mary is from Kinvara Ireland!!) And the other for my friend Will Bradley who lives in Clearwater Florida!! I Know they will Love and appreciate your most Excellent message!!! The money is in the mail my friends!!
Thank you,
May God Bless You Both Beyond Your Wildest Dreams!!!!
Really enjoyed our visit with you in Culver City and Santa Monica. Thanks for the shout outs on the show. The Knights love you! Enjoy and have a great week.
From Rachel Gallant, New Hampshire
Hello Ed and Darrell,
I'm still buzzing from the Exuberant Dublin/ Ireland experience. I would love to purchase 2 Godzilla books. One signed to my in-laws Mary and Len Gallant. (My Mother in law Mary is from Kinvara Ireland!!) And the other for my friend Will Bradley who lives in Clearwater Florida!! I Know they will Love and appreciate your most Excellent message!!! The money is in the mail my friends!!
Thank you,
May God Bless You Both Beyond Your Wildest Dreams!!!!
Joke of the Day
Speaking of being of service, did you hear about the man at Unity Village who wanted to be the bell ringer?
He had no arms. When he told Jeff Comfort of his wish, Comfort said: "How can you be our bell-ringer without arms?"
The man replied "Arms? Who needs 'em!"
So before Comfort could get the guy's name, the arm-less guy ran to the top of the bell tower, and started ringing the bell with his face, making beautiful music. Unfortunately, he missed the last note, and fell from the bell tower.
A bunch of Unity Village locals gathered around him, asking: "Who is this guy?"
Comfort said: "I don't know, but his face rings a bell."
He had no arms. When he told Jeff Comfort of his wish, Comfort said: "How can you be our bell-ringer without arms?"
The man replied "Arms? Who needs 'em!"
So before Comfort could get the guy's name, the arm-less guy ran to the top of the bell tower, and started ringing the bell with his face, making beautiful music. Unfortunately, he missed the last note, and fell from the bell tower.
A bunch of Unity Village locals gathered around him, asking: "Who is this guy?"
Comfort said: "I don't know, but his face rings a bell."
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Darrell and Ed appreciate every fan who tunes in each week to listen to them spread great news and inspired teachings. Although Darrell and Ed don't solicit donations, fans have been asking how they can help contribute to the production expenses of the show. We've recently added a PayPal Donate button to honor your request. Thank you in advance for any contribution you may make. Darrell and Ed love you!
Darrell and Ed appreciate every fan who tunes in each week to listen to them spread great news and inspired teachings. Although Darrell and Ed don't solicit donations, fans have been asking how they can help contribute to the production expenses of the show. We've recently added a PayPal Donate button to honor your request. Thank you in advance for any contribution you may make. Darrell and Ed love you!