18 Days With Darrell and Ed
A Mini Course in Miracles
A Mini Course in Miracles
18 Days With Darrell and Ed
A series of two minute meditations based on the teachings of Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. and A Course In Miracles. Read from the no longer in print classic, To Give Is To Receive, Mini Course For Healing Relationships And Bringing About Peace of Mind By: Gerald G Jampolsky, M.D. We suggest you watch, listen, and/or read one per day, taking it just like a daily vitamin, allowing it to digest and nourish your spirit.
A series of two minute meditations based on the teachings of Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. and A Course In Miracles. Read from the no longer in print classic, To Give Is To Receive, Mini Course For Healing Relationships And Bringing About Peace of Mind By: Gerald G Jampolsky, M.D. We suggest you watch, listen, and/or read one per day, taking it just like a daily vitamin, allowing it to digest and nourish your spirit.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Never Upset For The Reason I Think.
I am tempted to believe that I am upset because of what other people do, or because of circumstances and events which seem to be beyond my control. I may experience being upset as some form of anger, jealousy, resentment, depression. Actually, all of these feelings represent some form of fear, and I have a choice-to experience love or to be fearful. As I choose to experience love by extending love to others, my fears are dispelled. I recognize that I need no longer be upset for any reason.
Throughout the day, whenever you are tempted to be fearful, remind yourself that: you can experience love instead, and say: My peace comes only from within me. It cannot come from anywhere else.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Never Upset For The Reason I Think.
I am tempted to believe that I am upset because of what other people do, or because of circumstances and events which seem to be beyond my control. I may experience being upset as some form of anger, jealousy, resentment, depression. Actually, all of these feelings represent some form of fear, and I have a choice-to experience love or to be fearful. As I choose to experience love by extending love to others, my fears are dispelled. I recognize that I need no longer be upset for any reason.
Throughout the day, whenever you are tempted to be fearful, remind yourself that: you can experience love instead, and say: My peace comes only from within me. It cannot come from anywhere else.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Determined To See Things Differently.
Most of my life I've acted as if I were a robot, responding to what other people said or did. Now I recognize that my responses can be determined only by the decisions I make. I claim my freedom by exercising the power my decision to see people and events would love instead of fear.
Whenever you feel tempted today to see through the eyes of fear, repeat to yourself with determination: I am not a robot. I am free. I am determined today to see things differently.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Determined To See Things Differently.
Most of my life I've acted as if I were a robot, responding to what other people said or did. Now I recognize that my responses can be determined only by the decisions I make. I claim my freedom by exercising the power my decision to see people and events would love instead of fear.
Whenever you feel tempted today to see through the eyes of fear, repeat to yourself with determination: I am not a robot. I am free. I am determined today to see things differently.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Can Escape From The World I See By Giving Up Attack Thoughts.
I recognize today that my attack thoughts about others are really directed against myself. When I believe that attacking others brings me something I want, let me remember that I always attack myself first. I do not wish to hurt myself again today.
Throughout the day when you are tempted to hurt yourself through attack thoughts, say with determination: I want to experience peace of mind right now. I happily let go of all attack thoughts and choose peace instead.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Can Escape From The World I See By Giving Up Attack Thoughts.
I recognize today that my attack thoughts about others are really directed against myself. When I believe that attacking others brings me something I want, let me remember that I always attack myself first. I do not wish to hurt myself again today.
Throughout the day when you are tempted to hurt yourself through attack thoughts, say with determination: I want to experience peace of mind right now. I happily let go of all attack thoughts and choose peace instead.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Not A Victim Of The World I See.
What I see without is a reflection of what I have first scene within my own mind. I always project onto the world the thoughts, feelings and attitudes which preoccupy me. I can see the world differently today by changing my mind about what I want to see.
Repeat throughout the day whenever you are tempted to see yourself as victimized: Only my loving thoughts are real. It is only these I would have in this situation (specify) or with this person (specify).
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Not A Victim Of The World I See.
What I see without is a reflection of what I have first scene within my own mind. I always project onto the world the thoughts, feelings and attitudes which preoccupy me. I can see the world differently today by changing my mind about what I want to see.
Repeat throughout the day whenever you are tempted to see yourself as victimized: Only my loving thoughts are real. It is only these I would have in this situation (specify) or with this person (specify).
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
There Is Another Way Of Looking At The World.
The world I see through the eyes of fear is indeed a threatening world. Yet, there is another way of looking at the same world. I can choose to look at familiar people and things as if I were seeing them for the first time. Without my fears from the past, I can experience the beauty, joy and contentment that lie all around me, and in all the people who are part of my life.
Repeat throughout the day whenever you experience fear: This is my instant releasing you (name) and myself from a fearful world. Together, we can join in seeing a loving world.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
There Is Another Way Of Looking At The World.
The world I see through the eyes of fear is indeed a threatening world. Yet, there is another way of looking at the same world. I can choose to look at familiar people and things as if I were seeing them for the first time. Without my fears from the past, I can experience the beauty, joy and contentment that lie all around me, and in all the people who are part of my life.
Repeat throughout the day whenever you experience fear: This is my instant releasing you (name) and myself from a fearful world. Together, we can join in seeing a loving world.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Could See Peace Instead Of This.
Most of the time I see a fragmented world where nothing seems to make much sense. The bits and pieces of my daily experience reflect the chaos I see within. Today, I welcome the new perception of myself and the world.
Repeat to yourself whenever you feel that your peace is threatened by anything or anyone: I choose to see the unity of peace instead of the fragmentation of fear.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Could See Peace Instead Of This.
Most of the time I see a fragmented world where nothing seems to make much sense. The bits and pieces of my daily experience reflect the chaos I see within. Today, I welcome the new perception of myself and the world.
Repeat to yourself whenever you feel that your peace is threatened by anything or anyone: I choose to see the unity of peace instead of the fragmentation of fear.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
There Is Nothing To Fear.
The world transformed through my loving vision shows me that there is nothing to fear. It is impossible for me to experience love and fear at the same time. It is also impossible for me to experience peace when I am fearful.
Today, I choose to experience only love by reminding myself: There is nothing to fear.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
There Is Nothing To Fear.
The world transformed through my loving vision shows me that there is nothing to fear. It is impossible for me to experience love and fear at the same time. It is also impossible for me to experience peace when I am fearful.
Today, I choose to experience only love by reminding myself: There is nothing to fear.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Fear Is Not Justified In Any Form.
I can be preoccupied with the fears of the past or the dreams of the future, but I can only live in this present moment. This moment is precious because it is different from all other moments. While the opportunity for my personal growth and fulfillment exists at all times, there has never been a better moment in now. There has never been a better place than here.
Today, whenever I am tempted to live in the past or future, I remind myself: I can live here and now with nothing to fear.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Fear Is Not Justified In Any Form.
I can be preoccupied with the fears of the past or the dreams of the future, but I can only live in this present moment. This moment is precious because it is different from all other moments. While the opportunity for my personal growth and fulfillment exists at all times, there has never been a better moment in now. There has never been a better place than here.
Today, whenever I am tempted to live in the past or future, I remind myself: I can live here and now with nothing to fear.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
To Give And To Receive Are One In Truth.
Giving and receiving the one and must occur together. I can only receive what I give. This is true in all situations and relationships in my life.
Since I want to receive peace and love throughout this day, I will say silently or directly to everyone I meet: I offer you peace and love, and except love and peace for myself.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
To Give And To Receive Are One In Truth.
Giving and receiving the one and must occur together. I can only receive what I give. This is true in all situations and relationships in my life.
Since I want to receive peace and love throughout this day, I will say silently or directly to everyone I meet: I offer you peace and love, and except love and peace for myself.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Forgiveness Is The Key To Happiness.
Whenever I see someone else as guilty, I am reinforcing my own sense of guilt and unworthiness. I cannot forgive myself unless I'm willing to forgive others. It does not matter what I think anyone has done to me in the past or what I think I may have done. Only through forgiveness can my release from guilt and fear be complete.
Today I choose to let all my past misperceptions about myself and others. Instead, I will join with everyone and say; I see you and myself only in the light of true forgiveness.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Forgiveness Is The Key To Happiness.
Whenever I see someone else as guilty, I am reinforcing my own sense of guilt and unworthiness. I cannot forgive myself unless I'm willing to forgive others. It does not matter what I think anyone has done to me in the past or what I think I may have done. Only through forgiveness can my release from guilt and fear be complete.
Today I choose to let all my past misperceptions about myself and others. Instead, I will join with everyone and say; I see you and myself only in the light of true forgiveness.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
All That I Give Is Given To Myself.
I was mistaken in believing that I can give anyone anything other than what I want for myself. Since what I want to experience peace, love, and forgiveness, these are the only gifts I would offer others. It is not charity on my part to offer forgiveness and love to others in place of attack. Rather, offering love is the only way I can except love for myself.
In all situations and encounters today, say: All that I give is given to myself. Am I now giving what I want for myself?
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
All That I Give Is Given To Myself.
I was mistaken in believing that I can give anyone anything other than what I want for myself. Since what I want to experience peace, love, and forgiveness, these are the only gifts I would offer others. It is not charity on my part to offer forgiveness and love to others in place of attack. Rather, offering love is the only way I can except love for myself.
In all situations and encounters today, say: All that I give is given to myself. Am I now giving what I want for myself?
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
In My Defenselessness My Safety Lies.
A defensive response to an attacking world will not work, since it increases my own feelings of weakness and vulnerability. Only the fearful believe that defenses protect them, not recognizing that they are caught in an endless chain of attack and defense. Yet defenselessness is strength and cannot be attacked. Today I recognize that defenses cannot protect me, but do the opposite of what I want.
Throughout the day when you feel threatened, repeat yourself: In my defenselessness lies my safety and strength. I choose to leave weakness behind me today.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
In My Defenselessness My Safety Lies.
A defensive response to an attacking world will not work, since it increases my own feelings of weakness and vulnerability. Only the fearful believe that defenses protect them, not recognizing that they are caught in an endless chain of attack and defense. Yet defenselessness is strength and cannot be attacked. Today I recognize that defenses cannot protect me, but do the opposite of what I want.
Throughout the day when you feel threatened, repeat yourself: In my defenselessness lies my safety and strength. I choose to leave weakness behind me today.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Today I Will Judge Nothing That Occurs.
Not recognizing how limited was my vision, I thought it possible to pass judgment on the people in events in my life. Yet many of the experiences which I've seen as difficult or disastrous have provided me with major opportunities to shift my perception. Without these challenges, I could never see that each one gives me another chance to learn the very lessons that I most need.
Today, I will be without judgment everything that occurs, and will remind myself frequently: Everyone exists with me, to be loved, not judged.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Today I Will Judge Nothing That Occurs.
Not recognizing how limited was my vision, I thought it possible to pass judgment on the people in events in my life. Yet many of the experiences which I've seen as difficult or disastrous have provided me with major opportunities to shift my perception. Without these challenges, I could never see that each one gives me another chance to learn the very lessons that I most need.
Today, I will be without judgment everything that occurs, and will remind myself frequently: Everyone exists with me, to be loved, not judged.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
This Instant Is The Only Time There Is.
My preoccupation with the past and it's projection into the future defeats my aim of present piece. Peace cannot be found in the past or future, but only now, in this instance. The past is over and the future is yet to be.
I am determined to live today without past-future fantasies by entering fully into this present instant, by reminding myself: This is the only time there really is.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
This Instant Is The Only Time There Is.
My preoccupation with the past and it's projection into the future defeats my aim of present piece. Peace cannot be found in the past or future, but only now, in this instance. The past is over and the future is yet to be.
I am determined to live today without past-future fantasies by entering fully into this present instant, by reminding myself: This is the only time there really is.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
The Past Is Over. It Can Touch Me Not.
Only if I keep reliving the past in the present am I a slave to time. By forgiving and letting go of the past, I free myself of the painful burdens I've carried into the present. Now, I can claim the opportunities for freedom in the present without my past distortions.
Today, freedom is my goal as I say: I choose to claim my release from past pain and suffering by living only in the immediate present.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
The Past Is Over. It Can Touch Me Not.
Only if I keep reliving the past in the present am I a slave to time. By forgiving and letting go of the past, I free myself of the painful burdens I've carried into the present. Now, I can claim the opportunities for freedom in the present without my past distortions.
Today, freedom is my goal as I say: I choose to claim my release from past pain and suffering by living only in the immediate present.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Only My Condemnation Injures Me.
Without condemnation I can be free of guilt and fear. If I believe that I can hurt others, I must also believe that they can harm me.
Today, I will claim my own freedom by excepting forgiveness for myself and extending it to everyone, as I remind myself: I choose gladly to release myself and everyone I know from the prison of condemnation.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
Only My Condemnation Injures Me.
Without condemnation I can be free of guilt and fear. If I believe that I can hurt others, I must also believe that they can harm me.
Today, I will claim my own freedom by excepting forgiveness for myself and extending it to everyone, as I remind myself: I choose gladly to release myself and everyone I know from the prison of condemnation.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Can Elect To Change All The Thoughts That Hurt.
In my mind are thoughts that can hurt me or help me. I'm constantly choosing the contents of my mind, since no one else can make this choice for me. I can choose to let go of everything but my loving thoughts.
I am determined today that all my thoughts be free from fear, guilt or condemnation, whether of myself or others, by repeating: I can elect to change all the thoughts that hurt.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Can Elect To Change All The Thoughts That Hurt.
In my mind are thoughts that can hurt me or help me. I'm constantly choosing the contents of my mind, since no one else can make this choice for me. I can choose to let go of everything but my loving thoughts.
I am determined today that all my thoughts be free from fear, guilt or condemnation, whether of myself or others, by repeating: I can elect to change all the thoughts that hurt.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Responsible For What I See.
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.
(Always begin with the following)
Do I want to experience peace or do I want to experience conflict?
If I want peace, I will be concerned only about giving, if I want conflict, I will be concerned with trying to get something or evaluating why I am not getting it.
Ask yourself the following questions about every communication: is this communication loving to the other person and to myself?
I Am Responsible For What I See.
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.